- The Atlantic Elite Range consists of 3 Lever Sashlocks, Euro Sashlocks and 5 Lever Sashlocks British Standard BS3621, all in 2.5? and 3?. A sashlock has a deadbolt within it that locks the door by turning the key. It also has a latch built in so that the door will stay closed in the frame unlocked. A 3 lever lock has 3 levers that move into position when the key is entered and turned in the lock, whereas a 5 lever lock has 5 levers offering extra security. 5 Lever locks are usually fitted on external entrance doors. 3 lever locks are often fitted internally, perhaps between a home and garage. A Euro Deadlock is a deadlock where the locks is operated by the Euro Cylinder with one full turn of the key.
- Finished in Satin Chrome which has a moderately contemporary look and feel that takes its origins from the Bauhaus style movement. The subtle lustre is edgy and alluring but never grandiose. It is considered to be a highly amenable finish and is often used in commercial applications. For accompanying products, we recommend using either Satin Chrome, Satin Nickel or Satin Stainless Steel.
- Along with every stunning lever, should be a complete suite of complimentary ironmongery. Whether it be matching hinges, a designer door stop or simply a latch and lock faceplate, choose every accessory to reflect your taste.
- Compatiable with many of Atlantic UK's door levers!
- Supplied with matching wood screws.
- 10 year mechanical guarantee subject to Atlantic UK Terms & Conditions.
Product Dimensions:
Back Set: 45mm, Face Plate Size: 152x22mm, Dust Box Included.
Matching or Alternative Search codes
- Matching WC Turn: N/A
- Matching KEY Escutcheon: N/A
- Matching EURO Escutcheon: N/A
- Matching Latch: AL25SC
- Matching Deadbolt: ALKDEAD3LK25SC
- Matching 3' Hinge: A2HB32525SC
- Matching 4' Hinge: AHG111433SC
- Alternative Product Option: ALKSASH3LK3SC
Unit of Sale: Each